Sunday, April 11, 2010

Taxation Without Representation

WCID #89 has taxing authority. Since the Brunswick neighborhoods have been developed, this has reduced the tax burden on the Morningside neighborhoods. Because the tax rates are based on property values, the higher cost of homes in Brunswick Meadows, Brunswick Place, and Brunswick Lakes means that those living there pay higher taxes to the District. Yet ALL the Board members reside in Morningside.

In 2003, when Brunswick Lakes and Brunswick Meadows started selling houses, the tax rate was $1.50 per $100 property valuation. So if your house was valued at $100,000 you paid $1500 in taxes to WCID #89. For comparison, the Harris County tax rate in 2003 was 39 cents per $100, so you paid $390 in County taxes. The current rate is $1.34 per $100 property valuation. 85 cents is used for debt and 49 cents for the District's maintenance and operations.

Starting in 2005 to the present, the WCID #89 tax rate has steadily fallen. Why? Because of the growth in the Brunswick neighborhoods. More people paying taxes reduces the tax burden on each household. At every Board meeting, a report is given on how many new houses have been added to the District's tax rolls. Yet, there is NO ONE from any Brunswick neighborhood on the Board. And when concerned Brunswick citizens have attended WCID #89 Board meetings to voice concerns over the quality of the water being provided and security issues, they have been relegated to the 'peanut gallery' to speak at the beginning of the meeting, and then, seemingly ignored. Ignored not only throughout the rest of the meeting, but ignored as to any action that would meet their stated needs.

Taxation without representation is what turned loyal British citizens into revolutionaries back in the late 1700s. It is now inspiring Jeraine Root and AK Babers to seek Board membership through the ballot box. We ask that you join our mini-revolution and vote for us on May 8th so that Brunswick will get the representation we deserve!

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