The annual HOA meeting for Brunswick Meadows was held last month and a few concerns were raised about the detention ponds. At the most recent Board meeting I got a few answers.
First, some of us who have lived in Brunswick Meadows for 5 years or more remember that the detention ponds used to be filled with water, making them appear to be lakes - complete with ducks and other water fowl, albeit no fountain features.
Last year there was a construction project ongoing for several months to drain the ponds and we have been told that the design was for them to always be dry. This started a rather interesting discussion on the yahoo group site of the difference between detention and retention ponds. In order to convert our current detention pond into a retention pond would require additional excavation. This, of course, would come at a cost. According to the Developer, the pumps would be adequate to handle flooding no matter if it were a retention or a detention pond.
The pumps are automatically triggered when the water rises to a certain level. While there was some earlier disagreement over who was responsible to install and maintain the pumps between the District and the Developer, that has been settled. The pumps are now functional and there is no need for notification or remote access since they are automatically triggered.
Both the Engineer and the Developer said that a pond with water (what we had been calling a retention rather than detention pond) would pose no problem to the pumps preventing flooding of the neighborhood. However, it would require the additional excavation to hold the water. No funds have been allocated for such work to be done.
I also asked if the District or the Developer was responsible for mowing the areas around the detention ponds and was told that Harris County Flood Control will have responsibility for maintenance of the detention ponds in the future, including mowing. In Brunswick Meadows, the Flood Control District will not take on that duty until all the development has been completed, including the detention pond that will serve the newest section. So, it would appear that the Developer has the responsibility for now to make sure that the mowing is done.
Finally, I asked about the homeowners who were charged a premium on lots that faced the 'lake' and everyone said that those affected would need to take that up with the builders and their representatives. I remember at closing on my house that I signed something that said no promises were made to me by the sales rep either verbally or in writing that would hold Lennar liable for anything beyond what was clearly stated in the sales contract. Still, if you feel like you were cheated, it couldn't hurt to complain to the builder, or the BBB.