Thursday, September 15, 2011

Water Plant #2

The District has awarded a contract to begin construction on Water Plant #2 which will help with water pressure issues on the north side of the Beltway. We should start seeing construction begin before the end of September. The site for #2 is on the triangular plot of land between the fences and the older little houses on the east side of Furman at the edge of Brunswick Meadows.

There has been an ongoing discussion between the District's Engineer and the city of Houston regarding where the meter will be attached and on which side of Furman the underground pipe will be laid to hook up #2 to the city of Houston's water supply. A meeting was held between the District and Houston City Departments involved, but nothing was resolved. AK Babers attended this meeting and argued that where the city wants to place the meter was unsafe because of the amount of traffic (including 18 wheelers and other construction vehicles) at the corner of Furman and Almeda-Genoa. As we all know, this intersection has had its fair share of accidents and how difficult it is for big vehicles to turn the corners without running off the road.

Hopefully these issues will be resolved by the time #2 is nearing completion. That is projected to be July 2012.

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