Sunday, January 2, 2011

Official Travel & Expense Reimbursement Policy for the District

Khurram Khan sent a thoughtful e-mail regarding the last post and I had it entered into the minutes of the last meeting. I also provided a copy to all the other Board members. 

I am not 100% satisfied with the new adopted policy because the other Board members refused to set a maximum limit on reimbursement amounts, preferring to just use the word 'reasonable' as a limitation. The argument was made that expenses in one city might be much more than in another city, and therefore the reasonable amount for expenditure would depend on the locale. But at least itemized invoices for more than $25 are required and we are now in compliance with the law on this matter. 

Here's the policy that was adopted.


CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR EXPENSES.  It is the Board's intent to pay a Director's reasonable costs and other fees related to District business at conferences and seminars attended by the Director.  A Director is expected to attend to District business at the conference.

A.  REGISTRATION.  Conference registration expenses for a Director shall be reimbursed in full, provided early registration deadlines are met.  Any special circumstances are subject to prior Board approval.

B.  TRANSPORTATION.  Transportation costs by car shall be reimbursed at the rate of the current IRS allowance per mile.  Airfare for a Director shall be reimbursed at the lowest available coach rate, pending Board approval.  Reasonable rental car costs shall be reimbursed.  Additional costs such as the cost of parking at the conference, the cost of parking at the airport, cab fees, including reasonable gratuities, toll road fees and shuttle bus fees shall also be reimbursed.

C.  MEALS.  Reasonable meals for travel dates shall be reimbursed for a Director only.  No bar bills shall be reimbursed.  Reasonable meals not included in the registration fee during the conference period shall be reimbursed for the Director only.  Reasonable gratuities will also be reimbursed.  Other expenses in excess of these guidelines may be reimbursed with Board Approval if receipts are supplied.

D.  HOTEL.  Hotel room rates shall be reimbursed at the conference rate or comparable rate, with Board approval.  Hotel room rates will be paid for the night before the start of the official meeting or conference sessions (to be determined by the Board) through the night of the final meeting. Directors are to be reimbursed for the cost of a hotel room necessary to accommodate only the Director.  Prior to each conference, the Board shall determine the maximum number of nights for which a Director may be reimbursed.

E.  ACCOUNTING OF EXPENSES.  Receipts are to be obtained whenever possible for all reimbursable items that are to be submitted to the District's bookkeeper.  All expenditures incurred during a District-related trip (such as attendance at an approved Association of Water Board Directors Conference) that are eligible for reimbursement and are over the amount of $25.00, must be documented by an ITEMIZED invoice or receipt (non-itemized credit card or other receipts are not acceptable).  Any expenditure below the amount of $25.00 must be documented in writing and sworn to by the Board member seeking reimbursement.  These items must be approved by the Board before payment is made.  Directors expense reports submitted for reimbursement must be signed by the Director with certification that the expenses were incurred on District business.

F.   EXPENSES.  All conference expenses are subject to the approval of the Board.

It is the Board’s intent to pay fees of office pursuant to Section 49.060, Texas Water Code.  A Director is entitled to receive fees of office for each day the Director actually spends “performing the duties of a director”, which phrase includes substantive performance of the management or business of the District, participation in board or committee meetings, pertinent educational programs, and other activities involving the substantive deliberation of District business.  The phrase does not include routine or ministerial activities such as the execution of documents, self-preparation for meetings, or other activities requiring a minimal amount of time.  A Director is limited to the receipt of  fees of office which do not exceed an amount fixed by the applicable statute of the State of Texas.

In order to receive fees of office and reimbursement for expenses, each Director shall file with the District a verified statement showing the number of days actually spent in the service of the District and a general description of the duties performed for each day of service.

A.  CONFERENCE/SEMINARS.  Fees of office will be paid to a Director for each day of attendance at an approved conference or seminar. Prior to each conference, the Board shall determine the maximum number of days for which fees of office will be paid.
B.  BID OPENINGS.  Fees of office will be paid to a Director selected to attend a bid opening for the District, with Board approval.

C.  MEETINGS.  Fees of office will be paid to each Director in attendance at a called Board meeting.

D.  ADDITIONAL FEES OF OFFICE.  Any additional fees of office must have prior Board approval.

E.  EXPENSES.  All other expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred while engaging in activities on behalf of the Board will be reimbursed, subject to the approval of the Board.

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