Sunday, February 13, 2011

Big Changes in My World & Mid-Winter Conference

I found out right after the holidays that I was being laid off at the County. Talk about a shock! 14 years of dedicated service wasn't enough to overcome the mandate from Commissioners Court that all Departments must make 10% across the board cuts to their budgets.

I was extremely fortunate to be offered a grant-funded position in the County Judge's Office that started the day after my last official day with the Auditor. I am now the Homeland Security Grants Program Manager. The new job is challenging, but very rewarding. I'm still in training and will miss both of the February WCID #89 Board meetings. AK Babers has agreed to keep me informed of any important issues during my absence so that I can keep you updated. 

All of the Directors attended the Association of Water Board Directors' 2011 Mid Winter Conference in Galveston the weekend of February 4th. The most interesting presentation was the luncheon speaker, the director of the special exhibits at Moody Gardens (where the Conference was held) who told about the rescue efforts for all the animals in their pyramids following Hurricane Ike. His advice? You can never have too much duct tape in your possession following a hurricane!

The best presentation in my opinion was "A Preview of the 82nd Texas Legislature" which dealt with new laws being proposed that affect MUDs. The AWBD is posting information about all the laws on their website.  Click here to see it.

HB 725 allows Districts to hold elections without electronic voting machines (unless a qualifed voter within the District demands their use) which would save us a LOT of money for the 2012 election. We didn't realize it, but because AK and I ran for District seats in 2010, the District had to rent those voting machines from the County. The total cost for our election? A little over $15,000! That amount would be greatly reduced if we just had a paper ballot.

HB 725 also allows MUDs to develop recreational facilities on sites used for other purposes and allows bonds to be issued for lighting streets. I know that the street lighting in Brunswick Lakes has been an issue so if this law does pass with that item still in there, I'd be happy to try to get the Board to issue bonds for that purpose.

I was also happy to hear that the Attorney General has been asked to conduct an investigation into the MUD election process and bond elections. As you may recall, AK and I had to be very proactive and persistent to get our names on the ballot in 2010 and if anyone wants to run in 2012 (there will be 3 seats up for re-election: President Sharyn Smalls, Director Arthur Washington, and Director Byron Watson) feel free to contact me for information on how to get on the ballot. 

SB 389 relates to emergency preparedness during an extended power outage of a water service provider with at least 250 connections. We have nearly 2000 connections. Since I am learning a LOT about emergency preparedness in the context of my new job, I should have some valid input if this bill passes.

SB 437 wants to put forward a one year residency requirement within the District to be eligible to vote. I'm not sure how they plan to get around the federal voting rights acts that requires only 30 days residence for eligibility -- but I'll keep you informed. 

SB 18 will limit a MUD's ability to take private property through the power of eminent domain to provide for such things as jogging trails along District-owned ditches.

I'll keep an eye out for anything that actually gets passed that will affect WCID #89 and let you know of the impact.

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